
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2012

The only thing that I do lately is...


Como Thor con el café...

Yo puedo hacerlo. Sé que puedo. He resistido bien el impulso estúpido de caer de nuevo en sus promesas. Ya casi me libero... Estoy cerca. Puedo sentir mi libertad. Ya no soy la misma niñita. Mírame, mi mirada incluso ha cambiado. Por otro lado, con él todo es perfecto.  Hasta la más simple mueca que se logre con su rostro, me hace sonreír. Sus abrazos me animan y sus besos me fortalecen. Como Thor con el café...

Él me sonrío con valentía mientras sus ojos lloraban.

Esta canción... Es perfecta para estos momentos. Lloré hasta quedar casi seca, y desperté deshidratada. Todo y nada duele. "La vida sigue...", le dije.

This is how the show starts.

Lately everything is so... Confusing. I wish I could be selfish and happy. Sometimes I'm pretty sure that I don't deserve it, but... I'm tired. All that I want is to be happy, to stay paceful and smile the whole time.  At least, I'm positive when I say that you are the happiness that I need. You are perfect, perfect for me , not all the rest. But first, I need to do something that is going to kill a big part of me, is going to kill years of emotions, troubles, smiles, kisses, tears, joys and promises. Is it hard? Oh, boy. You don't have an idea. But I have to! It is the right thing, I'm sure about it. He is going to be happy with someone else, I know that everything is going to be fine.

I really need you ₰

‎"No puedes evitar que tu corazón ignore lo que en verdad siente..." Y si lo intentas ignorar, sólo te harás daño a ti mismo; sofocando la verdad, disminuyendo la intensidad del sentimiento y haciéndote prisionero de tus propias emociones. Terminarás cómo yo, en un estado de estupor, consumido por el dolor, con la cabeza a punto de explotar; sí, explotar, porque te mueres por decirlo, por liberarlo al fin... Pero no, no es tiempo. Aún no.

Cuz I'm in love with you...

I looked away Then I look back at you You try to say The things that you can't undo If I had my way I'd never get over you Today's the day I pray that we make it through Make it through the fall Make it through it all And I don't wanna fall to pieces I just want to sit and stare at you I don't want to talk about it And I don't want a conversation I just want to cry in front of you I don't want to talk about it Cuz I'm in Love With you You're the only one, I'd be with till the end When I come undone You bring me back again Back under the stars Back into your arms Wanna know who you are Wanna know where to start I wanna know what this means Wanna know how you feel Wanna know what is real I wanna know everything, everything Cuz i'm in love with you I'm in love with you... And I can't help it... I'm in love with you. Crap.